Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Blogger's Note: 1000 Page Views...

Woohoo!!! My little blog reached 1000 page views! *sniff*. I'm so touched by the amount of love everyone's shown this little blog. I said on New Year's that I will aim to improve this blog and keep at it for 2011. Congratulations to Carine for being my 2000th viewer. The next gift will be given at 2000 page views. I wonder if / when that will happen. eeep! haha. Same rules. First person to send a comment that they are the first comment on or after 2000 page views will get a little gift as token of my gratitude. Thanks again for all your continued support. Hope to send my next little gift soon!



  1. I see inconsistencies...is your next mark 2000 or 5000 pages?! My fingers are at stake here!

  2. @cuteviv. Where do you see 5000? =)~

  3. How do I know which count I am? And
    "Congratulations to Carine for being my 2000th viewer"
    do you mean 1000th viewer?

  4. @Vis X .... There is a counter at the bottom of the page.


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